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Product page content not showing in Mobile

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  • #242943


    So all the content and blocks which i am adding in the product page is not visible in the mobile.For eg the description section. Its only showing the product discription and footer in mobile. Please help how to fix.

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    If these editing features are not there then its not use for me and would like my refund. Thankyou



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please check the pages on a real mobile device, or if you narrow the browser, reload the page. You will see that when you upload on a mobile device all the content is shown correctly.

    Best Regards



    Oh wow its working on the actual mobile but wasn’t working in inspect element mobile view. Also is there any way to get rid of these tabs. As i don’t want to divide content in different tabs. Also not a developer to apply code to remove it.



    Description – is the main description on the product page. If you clean the product description it would be cleaned.

    Reviews are disabled in the Woocommerce > Settings > Product. Please disable

    Additional tab (with the attributes) enter each attribute in the product page and disable showing on the product page to show this tab or enable to hide. Not editable.

    Additional tab (Shipping information) You can edit it in the Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/#shipment_delivery Clean all the content.

    Best Regards

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