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Product sold Counter not working.

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  • #494746



    I have activated the Product Sold Counter feature (and I have read the documentation).
    I am using WoodMart with WPBakery.
    I am also using a custom layout for my product pages.
    I edit the layout, I add the “Product Sold Counter” element and, instead of the expected reasult, I see a shortcode on the product page:

    “[woodmart_single_product_sold_counter woodmart_css_id=”64fde8928f82b” responsive_spacing=”eyJwYXJhbV90eXBlIjoid29vZG1hcnRfcmVzcG9uc2l2ZV9zcGFjaW5nIiwic2VsZWN0b3JfaWQiOiI2NGZkZTg5MjhmODJiIiwic2hvcnRjb2RlIjoid29vZG1hcnRfc2luZ2xlX3Byb2R1Y3Rfc29sZF9jb3VudGVyIiwiZGF0YSI6eyJ0YWJsZXQiOnt9LCJtb2JpbGUiOnt9fX0=”] ”

    Everything is up to date.
    Please advise.



    Can you please share the WP admin login details of your site so I can check and give you a possible solution, Also share the page url where you are using the shortcode.

    Best Regards.




    Please check extra information for the url.
    Please advise on the changes I can make, since the website is live and I cannot provide admin info, for this installation.
    Thank you



    Please check this Manual:

    Please make sure that theme and required plugins are in new versions. If the issue remains deactivated the third party plugins on your site and check the issue.

    Best Regards.




    I did more tests.
    It doesn’t work when a custom Layout is activated. I am using the Mega Electronics product page layout ( https://woodmart.xtemos.com/mega-electronics/product/oculus-quest-2/ ) .

    When I disable the custom layout, it seems to work. Something is missing from the custom layout or there’s a conflict.

    Please check if it works on your side.



    Fixed by upgrading to woodmart core 1.0.40.
    For some reason, I didn`t get the notification that a core plugin update was needed.




    You are Most Welcome.

    We are glad that you managed to solve the problem yourself. You are Great!!!

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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