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Products as variations and hover effect issue

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  • #308821

    Little Panda


    We are using the plugin: https://woocommerce.com/products/products-by-attributes-variations-for-woocommerce/?_ga=2.137585334.766142047.1627307624-1194500820.1626438723

    This allows us to show variation products as single products in the shop/category pages. It works perfectly with your theme except we now have an issue in that for the variation products the rollover effect that your theme has built in stops working when the plugin is activated.

    The plugin guys at Addify said that the product HOVER using an image or a zoom-in effect does not work for single products converted with their extension.

    They asked if you could possibly look into making this product hover functionality compatible with single products which are converted from variations. They would be happy to work with you if needed, as currently, there is nothing they can do in their extension to make it work.

    Please see the private area for a video and url of the issue so you can better see it.

    Can you let me know if there is anything that can be done to enable the theme product hover effect to work with this plugin?

    Kind Regards


    Artem Temos


    This image is taken from the product gallery by product ID. And since the variation product has a different ID then our PHP function doesn’t take the hover image from its parent product. Sorry, but such code customization is out of our theme support scope. The code for this option can be found in the file woodmart/inc/integrations/woocommerce/template-tags.php. The function name is woodmart_hover_image.

    Kind Regards


    Little Panda


    Thank you for your reply. Can you tell me how to get the variation images gallery IDs?

    See attached image

    Thank you

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    If I follow you properly, the image does not have any ID in the HTML markup. If it is not what you mean please clarify.

    The product ID is taken from the product URL in the editing mode.

    Best Regards

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