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Promo banner Shop Page

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  • #632403


    Hi there hope you’re well

    I was wondering if you can somehow duplicate the shop archive layout and assign it to each category for examples shoes etc and then have the promo banner thats displayed on the left hand side to have different images depending on what category the user clicks
    In my example we have a category called Premium Grass and Carpets
    I would like the promo banner to showcase a different image depending on what category your on in the shop page
    I gathered that i would have to somehow duplicate the shop archive layout and change the promo banner image that way but i dont seem to make it work
    Could you kindly help me out thatll be much appriciated!




    To achieve this, use the Theme Custom Layouts feature. Create a custom layout and set it for a specific condition, such as a product category. Add the promo banner you want to display in this layout.

    Then, create another layout for a different category and add the desired content for that category.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/

    Best Regards



    Hi Aizaz thanks for your reply

    I found a template on the layout that i quite like and i created a page to test it
    What i was thinking of doing is use that template from the layouts so when a user clicks on one of my pages it will show them that layout with the template
    Currently i made the layout to be a products archieve layout included all product archieves
    When i go to put the short code for the layout into my newly created page the layout doens’t display just shows me the shortcode on the page



    Custom Layouts in Woodmart override the functionality of standard WooCommerce pages. These layouts are applied automatically based on the conditions you set, so there’s no need to use shortcodes. To achieve your desired design, you’ll need to create a separate layout and configure the appropriate condition for it.

    Best Regards




    Thanks for your reply

    Can you kindly give me an example of doing this with the conditions set in layouts? Sturggling to figure it out



    Please see this video for better understanding:

    Best Regards



    Hi thanks for sharing that its really helpful

    The issue i have now is that when i do select a template for the product archive it doesn’t show me the content i’ve sent a few screenshots down below
    I would like to the the template how it is already designed so that i can edit the content on there but as of now it appears to be an empty template
    I have tried to regenerate CSS through elementor thinking it would help but still no luck

    Hope to get your reply soon
    Thanks again for your time and efforts

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    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check and import the section on your site.

    Best Regards



    Hi there i have shared access to our test website
    If you find a pontential fix could you kindly share your steps so that i can implement them on our main website



    First of all update the new version of the theme “WOODMART WordPress NEW: 8.0.6 RELEASED”, update the required plugin, and check the option.

    If the issue remains, turn off all of the plugins not related to the theme, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    If the issue still remains, let me know and I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards



    I have followed your insturctions but i cant get the layout to work
    It is now showing as the demo
    Can you help please



    Your given login details are not working anymore. Please share the correct login details so I will check the issue and give you the possible solution.

    Best Regards



    Hi there kindly try the login below
    Let me know if there are any issues



    You are already using a custom layout for archive pages. Please navigate to Layouts and review the “Shop Archive Layout Furniture 2.”

    I have now created a dedicated layout for the “Carpets” category, and it is working correctly. Kindly check your site to verify the update.

    Best Regards




    Thanks for the reply

    I don’t see any changes made. To explain myself a little better I’ve attached a screenshot down below of how i’d want the page to look like
    The third layout is what I like but when clicked it looks nothing like it for instance the two boxes at the top of the page are not displaying
    Is there a different way i can use these prebuilt templates?

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    Please provide specific details about the layout style you want to achieve.

    I suggest creating a new layout, importing the desired template, and then applying it. If you still face issues, let us know exactly which page has the problem so we can check it further.

    Right now, you mentioned two boxes are in the second layout, but you are applying the third layout while still referring to it as the third layout, which is a bit confusing.

    Kindly explain in more detail and also share the URL for better assistance.

    Best Regards

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