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"Quantity input on shopping cart widget"

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  • #211783

    Jeriss Cloud Center


    I noticed you added a new setting which is working great (thanks by the way), but it’s being placed in a really wrong place of the control panel.

    1) It’s available in Theme Settings > Shop Page but this has nothing to do at all with the Shop Page. The best place for this setting is in Header Builder > Cart widget !

    2) The title of the setting is wrong, it should be “HIDE quantity input on shopping cart widget : ON/OFF” so you’re missing the “hide”


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    Artem Temos


    1. Thank you for the suggestion.

    2. But why do you think that it should start with “Hide”? This option enables and disables buttons.

    Kind Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    By turning off, it “enables” the quantity figure.
    By turning on, it “disables” the quantity figure.

    Therefore, you should indicate in the title this negative relationship because it’s not written somewhere that turning ON would DISABLE the cart quantity figure.

    So it has to be clear for this reason.



    Artem Temos

    Be sure that you refresh your cart after changes in Theme Settings. Add something to cart for example.

    1. The option is off https://prnt.sc/tl0t6c https://prnt.sc/tl0t2s

    2. The option is on http://prntscr.com/tl0tav http://prntscr.com/tl0tku


    Jeriss Cloud Center


    I’m not saying that there is an issue with the feature, it works fine.

    I’m just saying that you must correct its title to indicate the NEGATIVE relationship in turning ON (= HIDDING the number) and turning OFF (= SHOWING the number).

    This is why you should add the word “HIDE” in the beginning because YES I want to turn ON to “HIDE” or NO I want to turn OFF to “SHOW” the number.

    And please remember to move the widget from its location, it has nothing to do there, it must move to Header Builder as indicated initially in the ticket.


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