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Query regarding product filters

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  • #131981



    I have a couple of queries regarding filtering products by attribute in search results. I have 1000s of products with lots of different attributes. Maybe around 100 attributes.

    Currently what I checked was that We have to add each attribute 1 by 1 in the widgets section in the shop page widget area.

    1.) Is it possible that the attributes show ONLY in the search results (where only those attributes are shown which have produces related to them). Currently the attributes also show on the shop page and it would look very bad if there are 100 attributes to select there!

    2.) Do I have to manually add 100s of attributes or is there some easy way also which I am missing?

    3.) There is also a widget “active product filter” but it doesnt seem to do anything?

    Thanks in advance for the help.



    Unfortunately, Woocommerce will show attribute with all items if this product has this attribute.

    Yes, you will have to add an attribute and press “select all” to add all 100 attribute items.

    This is the Woocommercce widget our theme does not influence it. It does not work on Storefront (Woocommerce theme) either.

    Best Regards




    Thanks. Is it possible to display the attributes only on the search page and not on the shop page? Regards.



    Unfortunately, the default Woocommerce does not provide such an option.

    As a way out you can create a custom page and display products in the Product Grid https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/product-grid-carousel-element/ and show it as a shop page and do not show the real shop page in the menu or make a redirect.

    Best Regards



    Thanks. I will check the same.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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