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Quick view not working

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  • #337199


    Hi Support

    Our quickview isnt working, any suggestions?
    Once clicked nothing happens and no pop up?
    Seems to be with latest update of theme.

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    Please deactivate all the third party plugins, activate the parent theme then check back.

    If the issue still occurs then leave all the third party plugins deactivated and tell me then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins

    Best Regards.



    Thanks I have now disabled all 3rd party plugins (minus the maintenance mode as we need this active to avoid live users)

    yet the the quick view still doesn’t work, please let me know?
    (I have given admin access on the other reply)



    Just a quick one, I noticed when using “Customize” option within wordpress that Quick View Does work, somehow the update on 6.2.4 Wordmart seems to only have this issue. (I tested on prior version and it doesn’t occur)

    Look forward to hearing from you.



    Could you please provide a relevant screenshot of how you use the WordPress customizer to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards



    I Just tested here on a sample domain. Ive attached screemshot. for now I’ve just downgraded and that seems to sort it out.

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    Hi quick question for some reason I am getting a random “X” at the top of my site.
    Any suggestions of what this could be?

    Login details above on first reply.

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    also seems like add to cart doesn’t work now as well. look forward to hearing from you.
    I’ve reloaded login access below 🙂



    We are glad that one of your issues has been Resolved.

    1) Please deactivate all the third party plugins then check back.

    2) Please check how it works with the default WordPress theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not.

    Best Regards



    Hi Support

    Thanks it was a restoring issue but now resolved. Theme working well minus the Quick View 🙂

    However I am still not able to get the Quick View to work. I Have tried disabling all 3rd party plugins, even switching themes. I would like to keep latest theme version, so my assistance would be great.

    As mentioned before I am able to get the Quick View to work when in “Customize mode” here: https://www.woodheadsonline.co.za/wp-admin/customize.php?return=%2Fwp-admin%2F
    I’ve also attached a screenshot as you requested. Please may you login and have a look?

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    Please try the solution mentioned in the following topic:

    If you need help then provide the FTP details of the website.

    Best Regards

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