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quickview bug

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  • #4987


    When you adding items through quick view, it will not show any notification message.

    For example if you have 5 items in stock, and you are trying to add 6 of them, it will jump to homepage without any error notification. Actually, If you go to any item detail page, all notification pop same time..


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for reporting this issue.

    The main reason of the problem is that WooCommerce notices can be shown only on shop pages (product, cart, checkout etc.). Their function that display messages can’t be added to all other pages created by additional plugins or themes. But as a workaround you can do the following steps.

    1. Add the following code snippet to the functions.php file in your child theme. It will register a new shortcode

    add_shortcode('basel_wc_messages', 'basel_wc_messages_shortcode');
    function basel_wc_messages_shortcode() {
    	return ob_get_clean();

    2. Then you will be able to add this shortcode to any page you have Visual Composer Products element (home page for example). Just add a text block at the top of the page and place this shortcode there


    Please write us about the result.




    Thanks for your help, it works, but it break my homepage layout.

    Like quick add button, if you added item more than inventory, it will jump to item detail page and pop notification.

    Is there a quick solution for this way?


    Artem Temos

    Try to put your messages after slider to make it look better. It is the only one solution we can propose you.

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