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read more button – fade out color

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  • #541165


    I am using HTML blocks with read more button function for product categories description. Instead of fade out color I would like to set fade out image because my page doesnt have backround color but background image instead, please see link.
    How can I do that?

    Thank you

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    the problem is solved, I have found color very similar to the background color I am using.

    But what I have noticed after few clicks when testing the read more button in products description – – sometimes the read more is not possible to click (it does not open),
    – OR sometimes the page loads with the button open and text behind all the blocks, please see printscreen. When testing currently using no caching plugins.

    How to prevent this?
    Thank you



    printscreen as example

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    Hung Pham

    Hi web.mydecor,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Can you please record a short video of the issue for better understanding? This will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns in a more efficient.




    Hi Hung,

    sorry I was not able to record a video for now. Sometimes the problem appears and sometimes not.
    On both – desktop and mobile.

    Instead I am enclosing two screenshots.
    1) functional read more button – how it should look like. (this is Home > Shop > Decorations)
    2) broken layout – sometimes when I load the page the read more button is “open” with all the text under all other blocks. Most of the time this happens when: I click from Decorations to lower category for example Home > Shop > Decoration > Clocks and go back to Decorations with brower back button.
    On mobile phone sometimes when going deeper into categories and then back to upper I am not able to click Read more button until I reload the page, only then the button works.

    Best regards,

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    Hung Pham

    Hi web.mydecor,

    I tested on both normal and incognite browser, both worked well.

    Please clear browser cache, purge cache from plugin and check again.




    I have recordered two videos on mobile phone. Using DuckDuckGo browser.

    First video – you can see I have burned the browser cache and then load the page again. Went directly to product category where the description is placed. I was not able to push the read more button.

    Second video – only after I have refreshed particular page in browser, I was able to push the button.

    So this is the problem.
    I am not using any caching plugins at the moment – they are disabled.

    Best regards,



    Encloaing videos. Didnt know where to upload the video so it is on youtube:
    First video : https://youtube.com/shorts/6_EthaPgTrg?si=mCgYCw_FnCGkfSuY

    Second video: https://youtube.com/shorts/RXOQuywzi4U?si=iN7XH_cTmcVcyfwY


    Hung Pham

    Hi web.mydecor,

    Thanks for the videos.

    I tested on both Safari and Chrome, button worked very well https://www.mediafire.com/file/zz5l35alsu94xpt/IMG_1906.MP4/file

    Please test on these browsers and let me know how it goes.




    Yes, for me it happens on all types of web browsers on mobile phone in incognito and also default. – Safari, Mozzila, Chrome, Brave, DuckDuckGo, Opera

    When you from Home to > Vianocna vyzdoba and then to > Vianocne umele stromceky you are not able to click read more on mobile until you refresh the page. And thats the fact.

    Now please asking you kindly if you propose any solution, because I have tested it many times.

    Best regards,


    Hung Pham

    Hi web.mydecor,

    Thanks for your patience.

    My colleague tested again and it worked on his site as well. Please check again.


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