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Rearrange Single Product Page

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  • #204642


    I just bought this theme and I must achieve the attached desired look for the single product page.
    *I need to move the full description below the tabs.
    *Put the price on the left and the short description on the right of each other.
    *Add some text after the price.
    *Move the wishlist button under the short description.

    Please see the attached graphic of the desired look and the way woodmart appears by default.

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    HTML structure does not allow creating the template exactly as you need it by custom CSS. Such modification requires complicated Woocommerce code customization which is not covered by our support.

    You can find options provided by our theme in the Theme Settings > Product page > Images – you can see how can you arrange the layout. In addition, you can use the options provided in Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs.

    Best Regards



    There must be some actions or hooks used by your theme. I should be able to work with them to reposition some elements that were added by your theme. These things should not be too complicated.

    I was hoping by purchasing your theme your tech support could give some basic design help. How about just helping with the css code to add a + icon to the right of each tab




    Please set the Default Product page design in the Theme Settings > Product page. All the elements would be aligned left and tabs icons would appear, then send us the product page URL we shall provide custom CSS to replace the arrows with plus signs.

    Best Regards



    Thanks. It was a simple class update
    .woodmart-accordion-title::after {content: “\002B”;}

    Is it possible to add brands simply as text and display it above the product title?
    Since Im not an official reseller I cant display the logo but I can display the brand name and I would like to display it by the product title.



    You can create HTML block with the logo text and set it in the Extra content block, https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/product-page-options/#local_settings configure showing the block before the content https://prnt.sc/t37ytz

    Best Regards

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