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Related products

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  • #634396


    The translation of “related products” on a product single page is not working on one of my clients websites. I can not see why. I translated with Loco Translate. Can you please check?



    Please use the Loco Translate plugin on your site. After installing the plugin please Navigate to Loco >> Themes >> Woodmart >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woocommerce >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woodmart-Core >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    1. Custom (recommended)
    2. This is Loco’s protected folder under “wp-content/languages/loco/” which is safe from automatic updates and provides priority over the above locations.
    If this folder doesn’t exist you may need to create it and ensure it has the correct permissions.

    For more information please read the theme documentation here:

    Best Regards



    Thank you. I checked and the files are located under wp-content/languages/loco.
    I also made the sync and it says ok, but looking under fileinfo tab it says that the file differ from woodmart.pot.

    I dont understand what to do here. I hope you can assist. Thanks



    Your issue has been solved. Basically, the related product words are coming from the 3rd party plugin that you are using for the related products so you have to translate the words from Loco >> Plugins >> Related Products for WooCommerce >> Edit the translation files:

    Best Regards.



    Thank you! I apprediate a lot that you sovled this for me!



    You’re very welcome! I’m glad I could help. If you need anything else, feel free to reach out!

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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