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Remove product description dropdown

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  • #457396



    Is it possible to remove the product ‘description’ tab/dropdown and always show the content?

    I use the WP bakery builder for my description and want to show it always, so not as a toggle/dropdown.

    Like to hear from you



    Description – is the main description on the product page. If you clean the product description it would disappear.

    Reviews are disabled in the Woocommerce > Settings > Product.

    Additional tab (with the attributes) enter each attribute in the product page and disable showing on the product page to hide the tab.

    Additional tab (Shipping information) You can edit it in the Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs > Additional tab Clean all the content.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    I understand that it’s the main description and i don’t want to clean the product description because i need it.

    I only want that on mobile it’s not a toggle, but it is always open. Is that possible?



    Unfortunately, it is not possible to customize that.

    You can achieve this purpose by creating the product single page layout in WooCommerce layouts builder https://xtemos.com/docs-cat/woocommerce-layouts-builder/?theme=woodmart

    Please follow this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/single-product-page-builder/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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