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Remove "Product" from breadcrumb nav on Attribute archive page?

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  • #166203


    When viewing a product attribute archive page, the breadcrumb nav text looks like this without the quotes:
    Home / Product “Attribute Title” “Attribute Term”

    Is there a way to remove the word “Product” from the breadcrumb nav?



    Kindly share your page URL where this breadcrumb “Home / Product “Attribute Title” “Attribute Term”” shown. So I can inspect and provide you possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Thank you


    Most Welcome,

    I inspect your site breadcrumbs, it seems you customize the breadcrumbs because normally span tag with “breadcrumb-last“ class exists only one time, but in your site it shown twice.

    From the URL it seems that “Product Year Created” is the name of your Category or the shop page title. So you can simply edit it from both of those places and remove the Product word.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz,

    I was able to confirm Product doesn’t appear in the category or title. Is that strange?

    I’ve provided access if you are able to confirm.



    You can enable or disable the archives option from Products >> Attributes >> Edit your specific attribute. There is no other option in theme because it’s a part of WooCommerce plugin and our theme does not influence this.

    Your product name shown just fine inside the breadcrumbs of single product page.
    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/PxiDmHa

    Best Regards.



    Archives have nothing to do with it. We want the archives, but the word “Product” does not appear in the category, attribute or term name, and woodmart adds the breadcrumb nav. Can you escalate the ticket to find a fix for removing the word “Product” from the breadcrumb nav?



    As you said that “Product” does not appear in the category, attribute or term name, that’s what I said that this is the normal behavior of breadcrumbs that it display the product name not the product word.

    You can check in the below links:


    But in your case two “breadcrumb-last” classes displaying with two span tags. First span contains “Product Year Created” and the second one contains the year.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/kasWBcy.

    Could you please deactivate all of your third party plugins and flush the CDN(cloudflare) cache and then check back.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz,

    All plugins are disabled and caches cleared, but the issue persists.

    I don’t see you sharing an example of your woodmart install with breadcrumbs on an attribute archive page. Can you check that to confirm the word “product” is not added?

    As I said from the start, “Product” does not appear anywhere in our attribute name, so it must be added from woodmart or woocommerce. If woodmart creates the breadcrumbs then it is being added to the attribute name before the breadcrumb is rendered with the class.

    For troubleshooting, if you could paste a link to your site’s woodmart attribute archive page with breadcrumbs enabled it may helpful verify the issue.



    Can you please disable and flush the CDN CloudFlare cache from your server then I will check the site and solve the issue.

    Or send me the CloudFlare CDN login details.

    Best Regards.



    Cloudflare has been completely disabled.



    The cloudflare CDN is still activated on your site from server. Please see the screenshot:

    Best Regards.



    Proxy was on, but caching is off. We’ve disabled proxy for you too.



    For troubleshooting, could you paste a link to your site’s woodmart attribute archive page with breadcrumbs enabled?

    This may show “product” is added to your site as well.



    Your issue has been solved. I have activated the Yoast SEO plugin and overwrite the Woocommerce default breadcrumb layout now it is showing fine as per your requirements.

    Please see the private content.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz,

    Can the Attribute Name be added back into the Breadcrumbs, without the word “Product”? Or is this not possible? Right now it only displays the term, but the entire attribute name has been removed.



    No this is not possible because the word Product is coming from the Woocommerce default permalink settings. Please see the screenshot in the private content.

    Best Regards.



    I understand, we’ll need more custom programming to make the change.

    Thank you for your patience and persistence with the troubleshooting.


    Most welcome,

    Thanks for understanding the situation.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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