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Remove shop page from wordpress

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  • #595954


    I want to remove /shop/ page from my site.

    1- in wordpress Reading Settings, I select the shop page for home (01.png)
    2- in woocommerce settings -> products -> Shop page, I chose shop (02.png)
    3- with this, I crate shop page template https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/shop-page-builder/

    When I choose a brand name, it won’t work at all…
    it shows nothing

    What do I want to achieve?
    removing the shop page, is important to me for clearing the url generated by filters like brands, and the shop page is not useful because we can create a custom layout for each category and tag or filter, so why do we need a shop page?

    I want to remove it permanently
    would you please tell me what should I do?

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    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards



    1- If I enable each of the Layouts, the shop will not work!

    Please don’t share anything here, just put video or image in wordpress gallery

    2- from cPanel, enable code from this page:https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/return-status-code-403-forbidden-for-maintenance-mode/ it will return an error!

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    Your custom layout for the shop is your shop page. Custom Layouts override the functionality of functional pages. You can create a custom layout for specific conditions such as a shop page, Product categories, etc. These layouts override the functional woocommerce layout.

    You can disable the custom layout for the shop page and disable the shop page and create a custom page as a home page.

    Best Regards



    Would you please do that for me this time to understand what you mean?



    Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products.
    Under the Shop Page setting, select ” > Select a Page > ” to leave it blank. This will disable the default shop page functionality.

    Go to Layouts > Add New and create a new layout for your homepage. You can name it whatever you prefer, like “Home” or any other title.

    Design this page with your preferred layout using Elementor. This will replace the shop page.

    You can disable the custom layout for the shop page and disable the shop page and create a custom page as a home page.

    Best Regards




    Go to Layouts > Add New and create a new layout for your homepage. You can name it whatever you prefer, like “Home” or any other title.

    What about the Conditions?
    What about Layout type?

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    Try to create a custom page for the home page. Use the page builder to create your custom layout for this page. You can include filters, categories, products, or any other content you need on this custom page. Then, You can Set the Custom Page as Your Homepage.

    Best Regards



    I don’t understand
    Please create a small video, and share it
    we are discussing over 10 days
    I don’t have time for play



    Please see this video for a better understanding:

    Best Regards




    I saw that video and thanks for creating that

    We have many custom layouts and we use presets in our site,
    I want to remove shop page because is not useful,

    Why should I have to disable all custom layouts?



    Your custom layout for the shop is your shop page. Custom Layouts override the functionality of functional woocommerce pages. These layouts override the functional woocommerce layout.

    Best Regards



    Dear Aizaz Imtiaz Awan,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing with some frustration regarding the ongoing issues I’ve faced with your theme. I can’t help but wonder if I’m being taken seriously here.

    I do not wish to keep a particular page, specifically the store page, but I’m now in a position where I may have to disable multiple sections of your theme just to achieve this. If that’s the case, I might as well switch to WooCommerce’s default theme. This seems like an unnecessary and frustrating challenge.

    I kindly request a proper, professional solution to this issue. I’ve invested a great deal of time and effort designing individual pages for each category, brand, and filter. It feels as though my hard work is being undermined simply because I want to remove a single page. Is it reasonable to expect me to disrupt my entire website structure over this?

    I must ask, have you ever taken on a support issue and delivered a solution? In my experience, I’ve received vague responses that offer no real resolution.

    You yourselves stated that if an issue is template-related and does not occur with standard WordPress and WooCommerce themes like Storefront, you would resolve it. I’ve mentioned two plugins that I needed support for, but your response was that the issue doesn’t concern the Woodmart theme and falls outside your scope of support.

    When I raised a concern about SEO logic, you replied that development for that is not part of your current plans and cannot be implemented. While I do appreciate the few features you’ve kindly added in the past, I’m now facing the prospect of dismantling the entire structure of my site just to remove a page. Is that really a fair solution?

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide a more suitable and feasible response to this situation.

    Best regards,

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