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Search: Ignore Missing Words

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  • #152013



    The search looks very nice, and also shows results very fast. However, all words much match, or else there is no results. For example, a website that sells red chairs will show 0 results if some searches for “light red chair”. Since the word “light” does not exists, it shows 0 results. How can I make the search use “or” instead of “and”?

    By the way, do you know of any advanced search plugin, that can integrate with your theme, and will look just like yours (but with some additional functionalities)?

    Thank you


    Artem Temos


    The search algorithm is a part of WordPress core and our theme doesn’t influence it. You can try to use Relevanssi search plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/relevanssi/




    Thank you Artem for the suggestions. Does it integrate with the theme default search box? In other words: if I install & configure it, it will manipulate the search results dropdown in the themes’ default search box?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, you can enable this plugin support in Theme Settings and it will be integrated in our theme’s search.



    Hi Artem,

    I installed relevanssi, but it works only in custom search forms I make. Not within the theme default search box. You mention something about enabling it in the theme settings. What settings? Where?

    Thank you



    Ok. I was able to find how to change the search to Relevanssi: Theme Settings >> Shop >> Use Relevanssi for AJAX search.

    That is awesome. Thank you for making your theme integrate with it.


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome!

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