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Search in custom fileds

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  • #487708


    Hi xtemos,

    we are using woodmart theme and we would like to know how it would be possible to have the ability the search form [ https://prnt.sc/NJRCA2-CXrdU ] to search in other custom fields to except the SKU.

    In our case we have installed Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) tha have some text fields assigned to products, those fields are secondary product codes like EAN/barcode and MPN (manufacturer product Number), as you can see here -> https://prnt.sc/T_wEwMA4N_Qu

    So we need the search field to be able to search in those fields too, as it does with the SKU field.

    Please provide us a solution, or even a paid customization in order to achieve this functionality.




    Sorry to say there are no options in theme settings to search by product model, product Ean etc. It requires customization and beyond our support policy.

    Try to use the popular request feature of our theme from theme settings > General > Search.

    Best Regards.



    hi xtemos

    we are able to find solution to this by enabling the Use Relevanssi for AJAX search in theme options [ https://prnt.sc/OGasZD1GuMi6 ] , and setting up relevanssi plugin in order to search in specific custom fields too.

    the only issue now is that in search results when we choose to order by price [ e.g. lowest to highest ] the results are not presented by the users choice [ https://prnt.sc/caSrAcA2y7fm ]

    Is that an issue regarding the theme or should i open a ticket in relevanssi ?

    Thank you.



    I have visited your website and checked the issue.

    Please check how it works with the default WordPress theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not.

    Because the products sorting are WooCommerce functionality and our theme doesn’t influence.

    Best Regards.

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