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Search textfield text

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  • #182732


    Hello, I will try to explain my issue as clearly as possible.
    When I use the search function in woodmart after I click one of the suggested search items, the search field text changes to the product’s title for a split second before going to the selected product’s page. It’s not a big inconvenience, but my client uses HTML tags in the product titles, so when I click one of the search results I can see those tags for a second.

    (The same search field behavior is on your demo site btw)

    I need to disable this text field switching name completely, or at least hide it (make the text white for example). But I can’t seem to figure out how to do it. I parsed through your files trying to find which function changes search field text but didn’t find anything.

    I attached 4 screenshots, 2 from my own website and 2 from your demo.
    1 – search field before I click anything
    2 – search field text changes to product title after I click suggested search product before loading product page

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    There are two ways:

    1. Avoid using <strong> you can make bold test with CSS.

    2. Add JS code $(this).val(suggestion.value.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "")); https://prnt.sc/rntmgz and disable minified JS in the Theme Settings > Performance. This code would remove the tag when you click the result.

    Best Regards



    Works like a charm! Thank you sooo much

    I wish I could use CSS, but only half of the title is bold, and the other half is on a whole another line, but not bold, so have to hack my way around my clients demands 😀



    CSS cannot make one part of the title bold. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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