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See Page Option Settings on Sensei Lessons pages

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  • #155095

    Oriol Duarri


    We have installed Sensei plugin for sell online courses but we don’t have the “page options” on the edit page for this custom post types, how we can activate it?



    To display the page options you need to check all the checkboxes shown inside the screen options as in the screenshot: https://jmp.sh/ZDhuIHu

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri


    As you can see, the page options no appears for this custom post types: http://prntscr.com/pt7qhv



    Could you please check this with some default theme like twenty nineteen. So it will be clear that this is the theme issue or not.

    Your prior login details not working anymore otherwise i will test this myself.

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri


    The page options is a setting of your theme, so, if I change the theme, the page options would not appear in any site,

    We see the page options on pages, posts and products, but not at the custom post types mentioned on the screenshot,



    The “Sensei LMS” is a third party plugin and it seems it is not compatible with our theme.

    You need to ask your plugin author as it is out of our scope. We did not test that plugin with our theme yet.

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri


    Then, how I can disable the sidebar for that page? Change the template used on this custom post type,



    Normally the sidebar options shown at the bottom of the edit page and you can select the “Without” option to hide the sidebar: https://jmp.sh/5AJTFPy

    Or you can also remove the items from “Main Widget Area” from Appearance >> Widgets.

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri

    Please, note that we’ve told you that we don’t have the page settings on that custom post type. What we’re looking for is a code snippet for modify the template of a page referring to it with his ID or his post type, the function of selecting “without” for implement it via functions.php referring to a concret ID.



    Kindly provide me login details and also the URL of that page. So I can check your site and let you know if it is possible.

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri

    Myabe I will need your country and IP for whitelist you on the firewall if you can’t acces the login page



    When I try to access your login page with “bravedivers.com/wp-admin” it redirects me to maintenance page.

    My country is Pakistan and IP address is:

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri

    Try it now please



    Your given WP admin URL redirect me to the maintenance mode page. I am not able to login into your site. Please send me the correct URL of WP admin so I will access your site and hide the sidebar on your custom post type pages: http://prnt.sc/pu1yp2

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri

    We’ve whitelisted your country and IP so you have to be able to acces bravedivers.com/wp-admin, try to clear cache or cookies please, the hosting provider told us that is all OK on the server for you to acces



    Still not able to login your site. Please deactivate the maintenance mode then send me the page URL form where you want to hide the sidebar, I will give you the custom CSS code then you will not see the sidebar on that post types’s pages.

    Best Regards.


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi Aizaz, I know how to not display the sidebar, what I want is to modify the template to 12column, because when I hide the sidebar the space for it stills there,

    Let me talk to hosting please, it’s suposed that you will be able to access the admin panel,



    After hide the sidebar with custom CSS, please use the below custom CSS code on that page or add the custom CSS code in Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global Custom CSS section:

    .col-lg-9 {
        flex: 0 0 100%;
        max-width: 100%;

    Just add the page ID or any specific class of the custom post type which you are using for that page and add in the above custom CSS code before .col-lg-9
    like this .test-custom-post-type . col-lg-9

    Best Regards.

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