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Setting preset

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  • #441666



    We have several product categories on the site and for each category we would need different additional information in the product details http://prntscr.com/WQBpnHA3N7Yt – how can this be set up?

    Your advice was – but I can not find in Theme Settings -> Settings Presets -> can you navigate me where is it?: You can set the different information for the additional tabs by using our theme presets. Please navigate to Theme Settings -> Settings Presets -> create a preset with the condition as in the below screenshot.


    Then edit theme settings of this preset and navigate to Single product -> Tabs and change tabs info there.


    Thank you very much, Katerina



    As you know right now, there are only two Custom Tabs available to add per Product.

    Other than these, there are 3 Additional Global tabs that you can use on your Site if you want, by going to the Dashboard > Theme Settings > Single Product > Tabs.

    Now, regarding multiple Theme Settings presets and use them on different Categories, you can check out the following Theme documentation guide: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards

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