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Several issues

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  • #21222


    Hi guys.

    Im working really good with your theme. Some issues came on though.

    1. Translate “Logout”. I use Loco Translate and have been really usefull to translate your theme but this item
    2. Hide “about brand” tab on product page
    3. Align header menu text. I just change the href and set it _blank target and it its not alligned anymore

    You can only see our proudcto site by login in

    I share with you my admin credentials

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    Artem Temos


    Thank you for choosing our theme and contacting us.

    1. This text is related to WooCommerce plugin and should be translated in its PO file.

    2. Disable it in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Brands.

    3. We see that you have added it with Visual Composer. Then you need to remove bottom margin (set it to 0) for the column and text block there.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio




    1. I took an eye on both woocommerce and your translaton files. Theese items are translated in both files but there are not displaying the righ way.

    “return to shop”

    Ive translated several more trough this very mode and so long has been working great. This items just dont display thje right way

    2. OK, done

    3. Ok, done

    Please help.

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    Artem Temos

    It seems to be a problem with the theme. We will fix these translations issues in the next theme update.

    Kind Regards

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