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Several questions (attributes, hover box, lazy loading)

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    Hi guys,

    I’m making good progress with the website I’m building. Some questions that arose along the way:

    1. I would like to include more information regarding attributes that I use. So an information balloon. Or just some text behind or below it. Is there a way to do this? Except for the attribute descriptions when you hover.
    2. When I have 8 swatches as attributes, is there way to insert a linebreak after 4 swatches? They distribute like 5 on the first row and 3 on the second row, which is not very easthetic.
    3. Recently my ‘add to cart’ button changed to ‘add to basket’. Is this a theme thing or can I change it somewhere?
    4. Is there a way to have a sliding effect for the hover box? Instead of the flipping.
    5. At the product page you see ‘Home/Category/product’ on top of the product. Is it possible to change this to ‘Shop/Category/product’?
    6. I’m have activated lazy loading on my website. However, often when I go to the shop page it doesn’t show any images until I scroll. Which is weird. Also I’ve heard other people not seeing any images at all. You can check my maintenance page: https://www.aardplaat.nl/maintenance/. There it often doesn’t show the logo until you click somewhere. I guess it’s all related. How can I fix this?




    1. Where do you want to show this information? You can create HTML block with the information about attributes and insert into the product page by means of:

    – adding HTML block into Area after/before Add to cart https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/#before_after it will be one and the same for all the products

    – by means of an additional tab/or extra content block on the product page https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/product-page-options/

    2. There is no option.

    3. You can rewrite all theme and plugin texts via PO file in WordPress. Here is a video tutorial that should help you rewrite your website texts with a Loco Translate plugin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3NsDdMzsls&list=PLMw6W4rAaOgKKv0oexGHzpWBg1imvrval&index=3

    4. Which block do you mean? Provide the page URL and screen

    5. You can check the available options in Dashboard > Settings > Permalink.

    6. Please provide your site admin access to the private area as well as the page URL with the problem.

    Best Regards



    1. I’ve used the ‘Area before Add to cart’. That will work for now.
    4. http://www.aardplaat.nl/http://prntscr.com/ojakby
    5. I’ve been able to add shop -> Home/Shop/Cat/Product. But there is no way to remove the Home part? If not, no problem, it works like this.
    6. You can check the problem on this page: https://www.aardplaat.nl/shop/. As you can see the initial images on the page don’t load, only until you scroll down. I imagine ‘lazy loading’ should load all initial images and load images ‘out of sight’ once you scroll down. How it is currently seems buggy.. (see private content for admin access)

    Additional question:
    7. On the homepage you can see an image that goes from blurry to sharp. However, on the edges a focussed part of the image appears from the start. How can I fix this?



    8. Is it possible to change the price on the shop page from a price range ’60-600 euro’ to ‘From 60 euro’?



    4. You can try Promo banner or Information box https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/shortcodes-2/

    5. Please navigate to the Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and configure or find the option.

    6. Update the theme, deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and check

    7. Please provide a screen

    8. There is no option in Woocommerce.

    Best Regards



    6. Will try.
    7. http://prntscr.com/ojx9v5



    You need to revise the background configuration in the slider https://gyazo.com/a0a033cb998d9a234506a0e05d4dd7e9

    Best Regards



    What exactly should I change in the background configuration? What is it that causes the weird behaviour at the edges?

    6. It seems to be fixed now. Probably had to do with either Jetpack or MonsterInsights.



    6. Hmm. It seemed I still had to activate Jetpack. Now that I activate it again the issue reoccurs. Any idea how to narrow the problem down?



    Seems that third parties plugins cause the problem. Try to replace hem or deactivate.

    Best Regards



    What do you mean? As I said I’ve narrowed it down to being a Jetpack issue. Or do you mean another plugin is interfering with Jetpack?



    Try to replace Jetpack plugin.

    Best Regards



    Ah, I’ve been able to solve the problem (I guess/hope). It seemed that both the Woodmart theme and Jetpack have the lazy loading option. When both are active it gives the problem. I disabled it in Jetpack and now it seems to have solved the problem.



    We are glad you have solved the issue. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Regarding point 7.
    What do you mean with this response? What exactly should I change in the background configuration? What is it that causes the weird behaviour at the edges?



    You have uploaded a big image as the result you see a fragmental effect while loading, optimise the image.

    Best Regards



    Alright, will try to re-upload with a different size.

    9. I also would like to disable swatches on mobile devices and have a dropdown for all attributes. Does Woodmart support that function?



    It is not possible, unfortunately.

    Best Regards

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