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Shop Banner

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  • #197029


    Is there a way to have the shop banner just show the image without the tile or breadcrumbs?

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Yes, the recent version allows adding custom content to the top of the shop page:

    1. Enable Top filters in the Theme Settings > Shop > Shop filters https://gyazo.com/3564df2a5d658a0010b6c0ebd0b537d4

    2. Enable Shop filters area always opened

    3. Shop filters content type should be set Custom content

    4. You can create an HTML block as per your needs (it is a WP bakery page builder) and choose the HTML block with the content from the Shop filters custom content drop-down. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/

    5. You will need to disable the Shop page title: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/options-for-pages/

    Please note, if you disable the title on the shop page, all the category pages would inherit these settings.

    Best Regards




    Thanks for the reply but unfortunately that didn’t work.

    So I want to keep each category banner image (each category is different) and keep the shop image, also different.

    In the image banner.jpg – I want the background image but not the white writing on top of it. So basically turn it off, image “banner want 1.jpg”

    I followed the instructions given. Images “changes made 1.jpg” and “chagnes made 2.jpg” and the results was no banner “changes made 3.jpg”

    Thanks for your help.

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    Set back all your settings as they were and add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body.tax-product_cat .nav-shop{
    body.tax-product_cat .title-size-default {
        padding-top: 160px;
        padding-bottom: 160px;

    You will get this result on the Product category page: https://prnt.sc/sm109f shop page would look like https://prnt.sc/sm10hr

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your help, that did the trick!

    Please feel free to close the ticket 🙂


    You are welcome!

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