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Shop Manager Role

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  • #111884


    The user accounts assigned to the “Shop Manager” role are getting blank screens or a HTTP 500 error when trying to create a new post, page or product. To fix this I delete everything after /wp-admin/ in the URL and try again. This doesn’t happen every time, but occasionally and does not happen when I’m logged in with an administrator account. I have the latest updates of Woo-commerce and the Woodmart theme. Can you help?




    Please check the issue on one of the default themes to understand if our theme causes the problem.

    Best Regards



    The issue exists on the default theme.



    This means that the problem is not caused by our theme. Please contact your host provider and find out what may cause the issue.

    Best Regards



    Below is the error when logged in as Shop Manager:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 675840 bytes)
    in functions.php on line 4212

    Changing the memory_limit in the php.ini to a higher value is not recommend at all – with this approach I will hit this wall once again.

    Thanks, Corpro


    Artem Temos

    You need to contact your hosting provider for help resolving this problem.

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