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Shortcodes does not work

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  • #127699



    I just updated to latest theme and found that all shortcodes i am loading using html blocks does no longer work. I did som further tests and found that everything works ok with older versions of wp bakery js composer 6.0.2 etc. But with js composer 6.0.3 it does not work.




    I just got from developer that this is an issue with latest js composer and it will be fixed with the next release. So i reverted back to 6.0.2 and so far everything seems to work ok.



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area

    Best Regards



    Hmm… Did you read my messages??

    As stated there is an issue with JS Composer 6.0.3 which is known by the developer and they are working on a fix for the next release.

    Stop using the standard answer which is copyed and pasted into all to many tickets. There is a lot of tickets in this forum which issues can easily be found in your demos. Check your demos first and then provide a quick fix, and a complete fix in the next theme release.

    This will save you a lot of unnecessary work.




    I have tested at my side. I have WP Bakery page build 6.0.3, updated theme and HTML shortcodes work.

    The majority of problems are caused by third parties plugins. Please provide your site admin access and deactivate all the plugins I will check.

    Best Regards



    Make sure that u use a WC shortcode into a textblock of woodmart html blocks, then load the html block in any page etc. and you will see that the WC shortcode is not rendered. Already tested with all plugins deactivated and standard themes. Issue found to be related to js composer 6.0.3 which is also confirmed by js composer developers, just check their forum.

    I have reverted all my sites back to js composer 6.0.2 which works ok, so no problems at my end for the moment.




    It is strange. I am testing at my side and I did it before answering your topic, everything works correctly https://gyazo.com/0988ad47ca3bd982af2cda218c6b2181

    Besides I tested the shorcode of the contact form (I know that there is a special element, however, I wanted to test the shortcode), it works properly as well.

    Have you updated the theme to the recent version? By the way, I never add HTML block as a shortcode, I add it as a template https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/#posts_products_page

    You can wait till WP Bakery solve the issue with the next update or insert the HTML blocks as the templates.

    Best Regards



    As mentioned there is no problems with html blocks as shortcode, that works just great everywhere. But if you create a html block and add a textblock into this html block. Then add any of Woocommerce shortcodes into the textblock of the html block then it does not work.

    So to make it clear.. There is no problems with html block shortcodes. The problem is that other shortcodes does not work. Tested many WC shortcodes and these does not render.

    Yes i am using latest theme version and latest js composer BUT i had to revert back to previous js composer version because of the issue.




    Now, I see it is not the HTML block problem and not theme related issue. It is WP Bakery bug. Thank you for the information we shall take into consideration.

    Best Regards




    Did they resolve the problem with the latest 6.0.4 version?



    Shortcodes are working now.

    Best Regards



    @newsprince – No, just updated to 6.0.4 and had to revert back to 6.0.2. So no fix with the lattest version.


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