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Show Linked products on product list

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  • #561008


    i have 2 questions :
    1. (Most important) Could you add an option to let linked products also appear as if they were product variations on the product list? I think that would be really cool, and without it, I feel like linked products are very underwhelming compared to their potential.

    What i’m talking about :
    – Have this : https://prnt.sc/ToqiT3eCuiRv
    But for linked products like this (with an option to make color or picture in the product list also):

    2. Is there a way to make the border of the varriations dot to be darker/bigger, because we have a white background and a lot of really light colors like White, beige or creme is almost invisible, here’s an example :



    01. Please follow this guide:

    02. Navigate to Products > Attributes > Edit Attribute > Swatch style.

    Best Regards.




    Regarding the 1. i know how linked varriations works, my issue is that i can’t set it into our product list to appear the same way as a varriation, which i want to do (Example : https://prnt.sc/PNGOtcMaE9ZZ but for Linked varriations)



    You need to assign the attribute in the products.
    Please follow this guide:

    Best Regards.



    Hi, i followed the tutoriel, it indeed works on product page (https://prnt.sc/F7zGiN9xAF4e), which is the current way that i’ve been using it, however my issue is that it doesn’t appear in product selections, in my categories (https://prnt.sc/ePtiHofedNjE).

    Do you have a css to do that or can you add the option ? if it doesn’t already exist

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by TapisCaravane.


    also, even for “02. Navigate to Products > Attributes > Edit Attribute > Swatch style.” i don’t see a way to add a border to my swatch, i only see it on hover



    01. You cannot show the linked variation in the product grid. But Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Variable Products and select attributes you want to display in the product grid via Grid swatch attribute to display option https://prnt.sc/DV0yfty1epd6

    02. Please add the following Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS:

    .wd-bg-style-1[class*="wd-swatches"] .wd-swatch-bg { 
    border: 1px solid #000 !important; 

    Best Regards.



    1. Custom CSS does work perfectly : https://prnt.sc/dwv0wy6bkriW

    2. Could you add this option ? (to add the linked variation in the product grid if the product doesn’t have a varriation swatch) I would really really like this option, even if we need to pay a bit for it



    01. Change the border color code as per your requirements in the custom css.

    02. The thing is that the Linked variation does not show swatches on the product grid as a variable product. So if you want to show swatches on the grid, you need to use variation swatches instead of linked.

    Best Regards.



    1. Yep i got that, works perfectly 🙂

    2. Yes, I understand that, but I really want this feature. Would it be possible to add it, or how much would it cost to have it? I was honestly very disappointed when I saw that the Linked Variation didn’t do that. I think it would be really beneficial if it replaced the swatch if the product doesn’t have one/variations (which we stopped using for colors and only use for dimensions now, since having 2 variations makes it harder to select your product and we noticed that it affected our sales).



    You can post your suggestions/requests related to Theme on the following Feature Request thread:

    So, if the Development Department finds it fits with the Theme environment then surely they will look through it.

    Best Regards.

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