01. Please add the below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS:
.cart-widget-side .woocommerce-mini-cart .mini_cart_item:hover {
background-color: #ffffff !important;
body .wd-side-hidden.wd-opened {
background-color: #000000;
body .product_list_widget>li .wd-entities-title,
body .cart-widget-side .woocommerce-mini-cart .remove,
body .wd-action-btn.wd-style-text>a,
body .wd-heading .title {
color: #ffffff;
02. You can adjust those buttons via Theme Settings -> Styles and Colors -> Buttons.
Also, navigate to Theme Settings > Styles and colors > Buttons > In the Advanced button styles section, you can select various types of buttons in the dropdown to change background color, font-size, color,… https://prnt.sc/yQ1pOc5kzPCL
Best Regards