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Single product page image gallery layout not working

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  • #632720



    when i select one of the gallery layout, but website single product page image gallery layout is not the one i choose, if you fix it please let me know what going on.

    Thank you



    Actually, with some of the Demos there are certain Custom Layouts enabled for the Single Product and Archive pages which is why your made changes under the Theme Settings aren’t taking effect on that.

    Navigate to Layouts > Edit Product Single Product layout and change the gallery layout.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/

    Best Regards



    Just curious, about single product page, when you guys create that theme not edit on dashboard > theme setting > single product, rather create layout for single product?



    Yes, in the Woodmart theme, many demos use the Layout Builder to create custom layouts for single product pages. This approach provides greater flexibility and customization options compared to the standard settings in Dashboard > Theme Settings > Single Product.

    By using the Layout Builder, you can design and control the structure of the single product page to meet specific requirements.

    Best Regards

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