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Single Product Pages

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  • #339142


    The styling of the single product pages has been thrown off, edited the text earlier and loads of elements have been thrown off.

    The previous/next products I’ve had to disable just now as it has gone haywire and the description and shipping info has had all styling and tabs stripped from it.

    Cheers for any help!



    Could you please elaborate on what you actually want with some relevant screenshots to check it myself and help you out accordingly?

    Best Regards



    Attached screenshot, showing the product page without its styling. For some reason, the ‘tabs’ block doesn’t seem to be working properly, nor does the image section which is now displaying text under it to ‘click to enlarge’

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    I am unable to see tabs on the products page. Please deactivate all the third party plugins and provide the login details of the website.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/4208d61e8c34f29405892c483186064d

    Best Regards

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