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Size guide modification

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  • #96075


    1) Could you please change the size guide color to #f7005f without any changes to ‘add to wishlist’.
    2) please disable the extra vertical scroll in size guide pop-up section (on responsive view)



    What color do you want to change? Icon on the product page or content inside?

    No it is not possible to remove the scroll. Tables are not responsive by their nature and they get the scroll on responsive.

    Best Regards



    1) Kindly refer the images for changing size guide color
    2) The scroll I mentioned was not the size chart table. It was the pop-up that scrolls infinitely in mobile. I would like to restrict that infinite scroll. Refer the images attached.

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    Please add the code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS

    body .sizeguide-btn-wrapp a{

    I do not see the problem, I am checking on chrome and firefox and it is the same http://prntscr.com/luy7tl

    Best Regards



    Thank you! The size guide color is working fine.

    The size guide pop-up scroll is working fine for chrome in the desktop. We are addressing the issue which exists in the mobile device.



    Here is the screen from my mob screen http://prntscr.com/luzoce

    I opened in Firefox

    Best Regards



    1) Open the product link in your mobile device
    2) click on the size guide
    3) scroll down and scroll more…

    You can scroll more even the pop-up section is ended. This happens even if you scroll up. I am requesting you to remove that extra scrolling. In the desktop browsers, when I inspect and choose the mobile view option, it works fine. When the popup ends the scrolling ends. I request the same in mobile browsers.

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    Artem Temos

    We understand you request but, unfortunately, there is no option to disable the scroll there. It is how the JS library works. We will try to find a workaround in our future releases.



    ok. Thank you


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