When I assign a size guide to a category for example “Leather Jackets” the size guide appears only if the product IS NOT assignes to a second category. As an example the size guide does not assign to a Leather Jacket that is ALSO in “Stock Out/Sales” category
As a way out you can assign this size guide to more than one category and then chose which one to use for this or that product from the drop-down on the product page.
Let me know if you have any questions and need further help.
This is not possbile because in the Stock Ot /Sales Category are assigned products from other categories (Helmets), so if I do this, in sale Helmets I will have a Jacket size guide.
You can still try. The product page has the option to choose appropriate size-guide from the drop-down list or hide on product at all: https://prnt.sc/1137jn9
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
If you would not find a plugin, consider the possibility operate the out-of-stock products by a tab. This type of product is designed by the status and there is no necessity to create a category for them.
I have no problem with the out of stock products.
I gave you an example for a producy when it is in 2 categories. Stock out (last pieces) not out of stock