Hello folks I’m having some issues with the search form used within WoodMart.
It’s incredibly slow to find products taking up to 5 seconds to find simple things
Is there an easy way to improve the performance or replace it with a different search bar/form?
Both my website and server speeds are excellent (and thus not the problem)
I’ve tried using different themes with different search plugins and they’re extremely fast, giving results instantly.
Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we can check it? Also, allow us to switch between themes to compare the speed.
This search form is provided by WooCommerce, not even by our theme. And as we can see, your server response is around 5 seconds on other pages as well, not on the search page only. Check not cached pages like cart, checkout or my account.
Most likely you are testing cached pages. We see 3-4 seconds on cart and checkout pages for example. And it is the same as a search request https://prnt.sc/110qqog