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Some Attribute Swatches are not shown on shop page

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  • #233435

    Oriol Duarri


    We have a brainstruggling problem, we have checked the option to show color variation of the products at the theme settings, on shop > attribute swatches,

    The problem is that some products show the attribute swatch at the shop page and another products don’t show it,

    We have revised all the products and the attributes configuration and all have the same configuration so we don’t know why some products show the attribute and another products don’t show it,

    We need heelp please

    You can see it here, for example:


    – This product shows attribute swatches: https://mariagallart.com/producto/top-iris-estampado/

    – This product DON’T shows attribute swatches: https://mariagallart.com/producto/bluson-rita/

    Or, for example, this product have 4 colours, but at the shop page only shows 1 color: https://mariagallart.com/producto/top-lady/



    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi, I attack here the wp-admin acces,

    please, give me your IP and country where are you connecting from for whitelist you at the hosting firewall,




    I am working My IP is

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi, try it now please



    I see only one variation and you have not added an image to the variation: https://prnt.sc/v0lagd

    You need to add an image to each variation. Please follow this instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/variable-products-swatches/

    Please update the Woocommerce plugin and database.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi Elise,

    Please, see this product: https://mariagallart.com/producto/top-lady/

    this product have the 4 colours variations with configured images, but at the shop page it only displays 1 colour instead of showing the 4 colours:

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please have a look at the screen: https://prnt.sc/v2fzmj

    Please add all the prices and images, make sure all the variations are in the stock.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri


    The variations without price are size variations,

    all the color variations have price and image on top lady product, but it doesn’t appears at the shop page



    All your variations are based on color and size. If you have the same price for any variations, just duplicate them.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi, please, see this product:

    All variations are filled with price and image, but the color swatches are not shown on shop page:





    The first product https://gyazo.com/12ab080c566b64b60e8d268ce4d7308b This is the way Woocommerce presents variable products and we cannot influence that. When you chose a variation the image changes as it should.

    This product has one color in the grid and in the product page https://prnt.sc/v34xux and in the settings: https://prnt.sc/v34yzj

    You have set to show colors in the grid and colors are shown. Grid cannot show both colors and sizes.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri


    “Vestido Donna” have 3 colors, and it doesn’t shows anyone at the shop page: https://prnt.sc/v36fwy

    We just want to fix that



    Please provide FTP access to the private area we need to check deeper.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Thank you so much, here you have:

    Maybe I will need your IP for whitelist you at the firewall,



    I cannot login. Can you disable blocking for a while? I will pass this issue to our dev team, we have different IPs.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi Elise,

    My hosting just let me to whitelist IPs for the FTP connection, I’m sorry but I will need all the IP ranges that want to connect on the server through FTP



    Take this Let us know when done.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri




    Please add this code to the functions.php of the child theme:

    add_filter( 'woodmart_swatches_on_grid_right_order', '__return_false' );

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi Elise,

    Thank you so much, now it works perfect!

    You rock guys


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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