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Some Icons Do Not Appear After the Update

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  • #174840


    After updating the Woodmart theme to version 4.5, some icons have disappeared, I am sending you the information in the attachment. Could you help?

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    Please update the Theme settings and make sure you have the correct URL in the Dashboard > Settings > General, if it does not help, deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme we shall check.

    Best Regards



    Hello, I have undone the theme update, it has improved. I get PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature error when I want to update from admin panel. Can you help my friend?

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    Try to do the following to update the theme:

    1. Go to Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Theme License and deactivate the theme.

    2. Go to Dashboard -> Updates and click on Check Again.

    3. Activate the theme with your purchase code again.

    4. Try to update the theme via Appearance -> Themes or via Dashboard -> Updates.

    If it does not help, make the full backup of your site and update via FTP https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/update-theme-2/

    If you need help, provide FTP access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Hello, I made the update from the admin panel. As I said, there are some icons on my internet address when there is an update, I couldn’t find a solution for them. Some icons taken from font avosome and some icons of woodmart theme are not visible. I ask you to help, please.

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    Please clean the cache, now icons appeared https://prnt.sc/r6hjq8

    In the future, if you have the same problem, please save the Theme Settings and clean the cache.

    Best Regards



    Hello, after connecting our site to cloudflare login button has stopped working. When clicked, the screen goes dark but the registration and login section does not appear. Please, I would be glad if you could help me urgently.

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    Make sure you have set the same (drop-down or sidebar) for the Login element in the Header builder in both desktop and the mobile version http://prntscr.com/iyd3v3

    Best Regards



    Hello When we log in from the computer, press the Sign Up button and the tab should appear on the right. There is no problem in mobile, I am sending pictures in the appendix that section does not appear. It happened after connecting Cloudflare.

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    Have you set “Sidebar” for the My Account element in both desktop and mobile: https://prnt.sc/s98egs

    Please show me both screens form the Header builder.

    Best Regards

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