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Some issues and problems

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  • #51105


    Hi, I get some issues from your theme.

    1) I cant translate “search for products” with Loco translate. Other string work well. Image: https://cl.ly/1X333W3X3G2B

    2) My account link doesnt work in E-commerce header. Image: https://cl.ly/103X3h0Y1y0A

    3) Canvas sidebar disappear when no products waas found. But for example I want to reset my choices. How can I display it in empty result page? Image: https://cl.ly/4440432y0u0S

    4) When I add product with attribute swith color with image, image doesnt crop correctly. This also happened in product page: Video: https://cl.ly/3n3U0U0h3602

    My problems:
    5) How can I convert my blog as style in image. Image: https://cl.ly/1o3x0u1G3x2m

    6) I want to add grid view column choice to shop page. But in your theme include only Grid/list. How can I do it as woodmart. If It is impossible, where does this file location in theme file? I want to add manually. Image: https://cl.ly/3C351S3h3L3r

    7) How can change Sort order to display newest product for default in product page?


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    1. There is a bug in our latest version and this text is not translatable. We will fix it in our next theme update.

    2. By default, this header layout doesn’t have Login/Register link. But you can add it manually placing the following code snippet to the functions.php file in the child theme.

    add_filter( 'basel_header_configuration', 'basel_custom_header_configuration', 1, 1 );
    function basel_custom_header_configuration() {
    	return array(
    		'container' => array(
    			'wrapp-header' => array(
    				'right-column' => array(
    		'navigation-wrap' => array(
    			'container' => array(

    3. We will fix this in our next theme update.

    4. Variations images take the size of the single product page images. So if the hard crop is disabled for single product images, they will not be cropped on the shop page too. Sorry, but we can’t change this functionality in our theme scope.

    5. You can set other styles for your blog page in Theme Settings -> Blog -> Blog Design. Currently, it is set to “Masonry grid”.

    6. Unfortunately, there is no such functionality in our Basel theme. We will consider this improvement for our future updates.

    7. You can set the products order option in Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> WooCommerce -> Products Catalog.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Thank you for reply.
    4) Can I do it with other plugins, can you suggest me anything?

    2) This code works perfect. But I click user icon, open canvas sidebar for login. That is perfect. But For example, I havent got any account in this site and want to create new account. But click “Create an account” button, website redirect me again to login. How can I do that user redirect to registration form directly?

    6) Can you say that this element location in your zip file?

    7) I know that but This section doesnt include newest choice.

    8) How can I add social login also to under registration form? I think half of customer dont pay attention to it

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos

    4. Sorry, but we don’t know any plugin with similar functionality and style.

    2. Login and registrations forms should be displayed on one page. You can enable registration in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Accounts.

    6. What do you mean?

    7. Sorry, but it is not a part of our theme and we can’t influence it.

    8. Could you please send us a screenshot where do you want to add them?



    2) You dont understand me/ In this video I click Create an account button, but again I go to login page. In this stuation I must click registr button again. But I want to go to “Registr” form directly. Video: https://cl.ly/0D0u033v0v2M

    6) Grid|list toggle php file

    8) Screen: https://cl.ly/0G3i0i1v2S0P I want to add social login to both form


    Artem Temos

    In this case, we suggest you to disable login tabs in Theme Settings -> Login/register.

    6. It is located in the file inc/woocommerce.php.

    8. You can edit the file basel/woocommerce/my-account/form-login.php.


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