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Sticky notifications

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  • #306224


    Hi there!

    as I can see after the last updates my sticky notification is not working as they are supposed to and they are all over the place! I have to build many features around sticky notifications such as Amazon payments and I need to keep it that way!

    how can I correct the sticky notifications even though it’s decrypted? any code to implement?

    Please get back to me ASAP as this is very urgent and important.

    website in private section



    We have not changed anything in the sticky feature.

    If your notifications are not sticky, please check and enable the option: https://gyazo.com/2f4d8d283293cb1984e96d32bfb30591

    You can find the option in the Theme Settings > Other.

    If the option is enabled and it does not work, update the access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Hi there!

    when I activated that feature then the sticky notification gets very messy or it doesn’t even show ! I have deactivated it, but I need it to be activated!

    Logins in the private section


    Bogdan Donovan


    We didn’t change anything related to the sticky notification in a recent theme update.

    That means the issue with sticky notification is not caused by theme update. To troubleshoot issues related to the sticky notification, you need to temporarily disable Custom CSS code, child theme, plugins and check if issue is still present.

    For example, wrong position of sticky notification on checkout page is caused by your custom CSS code.

    Code 1 – video https://gyazo.com/ffc4ba324ce8009b581db01ca1b6dcd8
    Code 2 – video https://gyazo.com/f8d401efeb4c617e1f7a6d11ec856d21

    Try to disable it first and check again.

    Kind Regards

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