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Sticky product data section not working

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  • #412413

    Little Panda


    Can you advise why the product data section on the right side of our product images is not sticky scrolling when the page is moved up and down?

    See a sample product URL in the private area to show you the issue.



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience.

    According to the Sticky Product option working, it is mentioned:

    If you turn on this option, the section with description will be sticky when you scroll the page. In case when the description is higher than images, the images section will be fixed instead.

    So, the Short Description area of the Product should be a bit higher than the Product Image then the Sticky Product option works correctly. Here is one of the Product from our Test Site on which we have a higher Short Description and the Sticky Product work correctly on it: https://blackpearlspro.com/woodmart_support/product/eames-lounge-chair/

    So, if you have the Products with higher description and you still think it isn’t working correctly then make sure that you are using the updated Woodmart Theme and Woodmart Core version on your Site and you have checked the issue with deactivating of the third party Plugins too.

    Best Regards


    Little Panda


    We tried deactivating plugins and our product description area is a different height to the image area.

    You can see the issue in our staging site in the private area.



    Sorry to say that we are currently unable to access your Site. It is showing 404 Not Found: https://ibb.co/Kz02DzS

    So, kindly first look into this concern so that we can proceed further.

    Best Regards.


    Little Panda

    Sorry I gave you the wrong URL. See below



    Your issue has been solved. Please check the site now after removing the browser cache:


    Best Regards.


    Little Panda


    Thank you. Yes it is working now on our test site.

    Do you mind telling us what you did so we can do the fix to our live site?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Little Panda.


    Actually, you have set the right column is configured to be sticky, but it should be changed to the left in the layout because the height of the right column is bigger than the left column. So please edit the layou in the Elementor >> edit the column >> from the advanced tab set the left column as sticky and disable the right columns sticky option: https://ibb.co/Jszg9th

    Best Regards.


    Little Panda

    Understood and done. Thank you for explaining and great support yet again!


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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