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Stripe Payment Plugin conflicting with theme

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  • #453086


    Hi there, i already spoke to you guys about the empty cart issue and that topic is resolved with disabling the Add-to-cart Ajax functionality. But now i have something similar with the Buy Now button. When i have the Stripe Payment plugin activated and i press Buy Now the cart shows empty most of the time.

    How can it be that this plugin conflicts so much with your theme. They are a Stripe Partner Plugin. Before i had the empty cart issue with the Add-to Cart button and now with the Buy Now button.

    But only when i have the Stripe Payment plugin activated.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us with your FTP access so we can check it? You can leave the payment plugin active.

    Thank you in advance



    Here you go!
    It is a staging environment but i just tested the issue and could reproduce it but i think it has something to do with the Tiered Pricing Plugin in combination with theme/payment plugin.



    Do you want to know what i don’t understand. The tiered pricing plugin is a plugin sold from the WooCommerce store and WPML is compatible with Woodmart you both say on both of your websites. The Payment Plugins is especially made for WooCommerce.

    And i am having so many issues. Its actually unbelievable.


    Artem Temos


    We are not able to edit any PHP files on your server because of some kind of cache. When we add something to the PHP file, it is cached and any further changes are not visible. You can test it yourself by creating an empty file and opening it in the browser. After adding some code and saving it, you will not see these changes on the front end.

    Kind Regards



    Hi there,

    I didn’t have any caching on. But now i have deleted the plugin, the cache folder and wp-cache file.
    I created a test.php file and tested it. See movie.
    I hope this is what you meant.
    I hope you can do now whatever you want to do.

    Kind regards,



    Artem Temos

    We checked this and see that stripe plugin somehow affects the WooCommerce cart. We also tested with the Storefront theme and the Remove button doesn’t work as well. Here is a video https://gyazo.com/b03c8e546fad119548ba1488cc0dcb63



    I think there is an issue with the Payments Plugin or the Tiered Pricing Plugin in combination with your theme.

    One of them is conflicting. But I think it could be maybe both of them combined.


    Artem Temos

    It is not something related to our theme. As we showed in the video, it doesn’t work with other themes as well. But it breaks different things. The remove from cart widget doesn’t work both on WoodMart and Storefront. But when you fix this issue, the “Buy now” button will work on WoodMart as well.



    Yes i understand! But according to you there is definitely something wrong with how the payment plugin is programmed and connected with Woocommerce.



    Can you see which hook or setting or code is conflicting maybe?
    I am not a programmer. Maybe you can easily see what actual is conflicting.

    Kind regards,




    And one question, can’t there maybe be anything with the Woodmart theme that maybe is conflicting. You also have updates and fixes sometimes. Is there maybe something that can be done to make your cart more secure and error prone to this kind of issues with other plugins? Just asking.

    This was the answer from Payment Plugins

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    The Payment plugin is conflicting with the theme … that is for sure.

    But what can it be then?

    Do you have any idea?



    I think i have a small idea with the issues.

    With only Tiered Pricing Plugin and Woodmart:
    There are no issues,
    Cart widget counts correctly when deleting products and then adding again.
    Even with changing pages the mini-cart stays the same how it should be.
    Cart widget doesn’t change/fidget numbers quickly when page loads.
    And there is no error with empty cart/order when click Add-to-Cart or Buy Now button.

    With only Payments Plugin and Woodmart:
    There is one issue I think,
    Cart widget counts correctly when deleting products and then adding again.
    Even with changing pages the mini-cart stays the same how it should be.
    Cart widget doesn’t change/fidget numbers quickly when page loads.
    But empty cart/order sometimes when click Buy Now button.

    With Tiered Pricing Plugin and Payments Plugin and Woodmart:
    There are many issues,
    Cart widget doesn’t counts correctly when deleting products from mini-cart and then adding again.
    Even with changing pages when you have deleted a product from mini-cart it comes back again.
    Sometimes cart widget does change/fidget numbers quickly when page loads. And if it happens then only on page loads of certain pages. Not all.
    And empty cart/order sometimes when click Buy Now button.

    This is my take on it for now.



    And what about the buy now button, we couldn’t test this with Store Front.


    Artem Temos


    Please, check the problem that you can see with Storefront first. Note that all these problems are related to the “Add to cart” process and the cart functionality in general. You see more issues with WoodMart because it has extra functionality for this. But there is one glitch on your website that breaks all these functions and it is not related to WoodMart.
    Have you seen the problem with the shopping cart on Storefront already?

    Kind Regards



    Yes seen it, tested it and reproduced it.



    I have send your response to PaymentPlugins.com (Stripe) and u2Code (Tiered Pricing) from WooCommerce Library




    Have send developers of Tiered pricing table and Stripe payment plugin a mail asking for help.


    Artem Temos


    You need to record a video of the problem with the Storefront theme and send it to the plugin developers. Otherwise, they can answer that the plugin is simply incompatible with WoodMart. But actually, it doesn’t work well with the official WooCommerce theme too and this problem needs to be fixed first. Once it is fixed, our Buy Now button will start working too.

    Kind Regards



    I have send all of this this. I cannot do anything more to explain it.

    But you can’t tell me in technical programmer language/speak what is the problem so i can send it to the developers of Payments Plugin. Maybe with example of code or something? Just trying to think of idea to convince them to look at something.




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