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Switching to Elementor broke my site

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  • #216270

    [email protected]

    I have developed the website using WPbakery. With the new update and the support of Elementor, I wanted to switch to Elementor as editor from Theme Settings > General > WPB/Elementor.
    Doing so caused the entire website to break.
    Any help about that ?



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please restore the site from the backup. Then read carefully the instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/4-x-5-0-elementor-migration-guide/

    It is not possible to transfer site from WP Bakery to Elementor, you will need to recreate the site.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    I followed the steps and yet it crashed again.



    The content that has been created in WP Bakery page builder can’t be reproduced with the Elementor. You need to create a new WordPress installation, enable Elementro (WP Bakery page builder) should be deactivated. Then you create your site from scratch. You can upload a demo built-in Elemventer and create our site baing on a demo.

    Best Regards

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