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Tabs for content

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  • #97095

    Liel Albums


    We really like the style of the AJAX PRODUCTS TABS that you created in this page:

    We wanted to use those Tabs and put content in it instead of the products but we found out that we cant do it via the WPBAKERY (if there is a way please let us know).

    So we are using the TABS feature, and we like to apply the AJAX PRODUCTS TABS style on it.
    How can we apply it? there is a class name we can use? let us know how we can do it even if it requires a code modify.

    Thank you



    Our AJAX tabs are for products only. You can find WP Bakery Page builder Tab element and put any content there.

    Best Regards


    Liel Albums

    Guys I already understand that without your explanation. I also mentioned it in my first message.

    What I’m asking is – how I can apply the AJAX PRODUCTS TABS style on the regular TABS ?
    With what class did you use for that?
    Where I can find it in the code?
    Please let me know, I will know how to deal with it.

    thank you



    Hover the element, make a right click and inspect the element to see the classes and styles https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/ajax-products-tabs/ and http://prntscr.com/lxingw

    Best Regards

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