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Template savings: 403 forbidden due SQL injection

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  • #275690



    Our server denied access and return a 403 forbidden error when saving the template.
    This because the template Always generates SQL injections during saving.
    Our hosting refuse to turn out there security filter ‘SQL injection’.
    Any other way to work with your theme on a (very) secured shared hosting?


    Artem Temos


    Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more details. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce them on your website.
    Also, could you please clarify with your host what SQL injections do they mean? Maybe they have some place in our theme code that we should check?

    Thank you in advance.



    This code was generated while saving your template:

    Each time we save the woodmart template a SQL injection like this is generated.
    Our hosting does not allow this kind of injections.


    Artem Temos

    As we can see from the log, you have added some JS code to the Custom JS section in Theme Settings. And when you save Theme Settings, your server blocks this request since it recognizes your JS code as a kind of injection. Try to clear all Theme Settings from JS, CSS nad HTML code and test how it works.



    We still have trouble saving the header on our hosting.
    A HTTP403 forbidden error keeps turning on while saving.
    Anyway to go around the mod_security because the hosting won’t turn off on a shared hosting.


    Artem Temos


    Please, check your FTP access because we can’t connect now http://prntscr.com/1178xxy

    Kind Regards

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