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Thank you page google map showing shipping address

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  • #304016


    Hi there,

    Is there any way to customise the Thank You page at all, so it is a bit more like the Shopify Thank You page (if you know that)? For example, we would see the location of the customers shipping address on the Thank You page in Google Maps etc.

    If not at all possible I will try find a plugin.



    Yes, that is possible.

    You need to create your own page in HTML block: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/

    Then disable Default “Thank you page” content in the Theme settings > Shop > Thank you page and set HTML block, then choose your block: https://gyazo.com/75e14f61ad3edae4e770500261157411

    If you have any questions or need further help, please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes I know about how to create a custom thank you page via your settings, however my question is about how to specifically show the “shipping_address” of a customer in google maps on this page after they order (like on Shopify Thank You page).

    Do you know the coding required for that or how I could do that?




    You need to search for a plugin, I even have not heard about such functionality. As soon as you find the plugin you will add this map into the HTML block of your thankyou page.
    Make sure the plugin you will find add the map by means of the shortcode. Find out if the plugin vendor (if you find a paid plugin) would refund you in case of incompatibility that may occur either with the builder.

    Best Regard s



    I think it will be too difficult to do what I want.

    However it would be really nice to have a more personalised thank you message on the Thank You page, where we use the first name of the customer.

    Do you know how we can edit the WooComerce thank you message to say “Thank you {billing_first_name} for your order”?

    If you are not sure do not worry and I try and find something on Google!



    I have not heard about the plugins like this which is why I cannot recommend them. Please try to search.

    Best Regards

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