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The problem is on products edited by Elementor

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  • #559491

    [email protected]


    A bug appeared on my edited Elementor products, it is located at the bottom of the page, I can’t remove it in any way and I don’t understand why it got out. It looks like this: https://screenshare.ru/s/H3FYw1MDhucJdQ12f5LCF8

    It is also accompanied by a change in the basement style settings (the text is highlighted in bold), screenshots:
    1. a product with a bug – https://screenshare.ru/s/JLhstd93AYUbZL5UZG6sba
    2. what it should look like – https://screenshare.ru/s/H1Shc6ywfzytxiejNJej48

    I have the latest updates, I tried disabling all plugins/disabling additional styles/republishing the page, none of this helped.

    I ask you to help me with this problem. I will leave you access to the site in a private description and give you permission to fix this error yourself, thank you!


    Hung Pham

    Hi [email protected],

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    Admin credential is incorrect, please check again.



    [email protected]

    Hello again, I changed login information, please try again


    Hung Pham

    Hi [email protected],

    There are 3 default tabs of WooCommerce:

    + The Additional Information Tab: Shows when the Attributes are added under a Product. If the Attributes are not added then the Additional Information tab doesn’t show.

    + Description Tab: This is the main description on the product page.

    + Reviews: Used to show customers’s reviews.



    [email protected]

    Hello, it turned out that the problem is caused by an element of the “spoiler” type(screenshot 4).
    It causes tabs to be copied like this (screenshot 1), this duplicate menu is not clickable, it just formats the page style (screenshot 3). If you go to edit the elementor page, then this bug is not visible there.
    In general, we have sorted out the problem, but as a fact, such a bug is present.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hung Pham

    Hi [email protected],

    Thanks for your patience.

    Glad to hear your issue has been resolved. Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we’re always here to help!



    [email protected]

    close the ticket please :c

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