Home Forums WoodMart support forum The submit button of the registration form of mc4wp disappears

The submit button of the registration form of mc4wp disappears

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  • #450471


    Hi, while browsing my site, I found a problem with the registration form of mc4wp. When I translate a page and switch back and forth between English to Chinese or Chinese to English, the submit button on the registration form disappears when I switch back and forth a lot, but after I refresh the page, the submit button appears again, and then when I translate the page again, the submit button disappears again. How can I solve this situation?
    The same is true for mobile problems



    Could you kindly provide the page URL and screen, I check the home page in the footer and I see the form as it should: https://gyazo.com/d574409609fa20d9d04eb510b6db46c5

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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