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Theme Translation not working – downloaded files – Loco Translate

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  • #262980


    Hello dear Team,

    I just downloaded the translationfiles of the woodmart theme from the pinned thread.
    Then I uploaded it as custom location. ( languages/loco/themes/woodmart-{locale}.po)
    I unzipped the zip and uploaded the po file.
    I checked my page and it’s not working. Nothing is happening.

    And I have a second question..

    How can I add the “Add to cart” Button text and the text below that. “Compare” and so on at the product page..

    Thank you very much for your efforts!



    I just installed TranslatePress – Multilingual and set the settings to german.
    I think this helped.
    The page is now in German.



    So have you solved the issue?

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Actually, I just deactivated the TranslatePress plugin, because it is autotranslating and making mistakes..

    I need to get loco translate working.. It’s doing nothing at the moment



    File info says: Missing template
    These translations are not linked to a POT file. Sync operations will extract strings directly from source code.

    Advanced settings of loco translate are as on screens shown

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I don’t have a .pot file..
    If I change the wordpress language settings to German, the whole site is mistranslated.. like “menu” = “Speisekarte” what is the word for foodmenu or restaurant menu.

    Somehow loco translation is doing nothing.



    So basicly I had to go under LOCO translate > THEMES and not Loco translate > plugins… I translated under the wrong place. Then I did everything right, but still nothing changed. So I set the wordpress settings to english and back to german and now it refreshed. So basicly I have to change the language settings back and forth for refreshing? I thought it will do without setting it to eng and then ger.

    Maybe this helps someone.



    Here is a video tutorial that should help you translate your website texts with a Loco Translate plugin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3NsDdMzsls&list=PLMw6W4rAaOgKKv0oexGHzpWBg1imvrval&index=3

    Please check the video tutorial to see how to save the translation file correctly. You can remove the plugin and translations would remain. Also, translations would remain after each theme update.

    Download the latest archive with our theme and take the woodmart/languages/woodmart.pot file and upload into your theme in the same way: woodmart/languages/woodmart.pot. Then click the “Sync” button in Loco Translate plugin.

    Best Regards

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