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Touch Targets Issues

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  • #568129


    Hi, I am in the process of optimising my staging site ready for going live. I have sorted most accessability issues out except ‘touch targets’ issues. (pagespeed insights). If a product has two categories displayed I get this error, also on catergories carosel the ‘images’ have this issue as well? I also noticed this issue on your own demo(s)

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    sorry ‘tap targets’



    Touch targets do not have sufficient size or spacing.” – this issue is related to the small size or small spacing of these elements . Try to change it and check the issue.

    Best Regards.



    1:_ I have, with the categories carousel I have tried different sizes but whatever I do it still reports them as an issue? I like this element and would like to know if this is a theme issue or if not then how do you recommend to fix it?

    When you have categories displayed with the product.
    2:_ Also as I said before if I have a product that is assigned two categories e.g ‘ginger beer, non alcoholic’, ‘ginger beer, alcoholic’. Page Speed Insights reports these as tap target issues/accessibility issue. (product only assigned one category are ok)

    I am just wondering what you recommend I do to sort this out?, or is it theme related. I have tried making the categories carousel bigger overall and larger font for the labels…it doesnt seem to matter?

    I cannot figure out how to change the products if they are assigned more than one category with the categorys set to ‘show’. Whats your thoughts?



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, I decided it’s not worth the bother, I think it relates to this category’s carousel that pulls in dynamically, seems (I think) it uses the thumbnail image or such which causes this issue. Anyway thanks for your help.



    You are Most Welcome.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.


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