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Typography – Header font weight

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  • #564412



    I’d like to update my header “Work Sans” font weight to Semi-Bold 600.

    I am at Theme settings – Typography – Basic – Header font. If I set it to Semi-Bold 600 or higher weight value the change does not rely to the actual page. Font changes only when I go to 500, lower weight value or I change to Italic. While using Italic I can go to weight values higher than 500 and it works.

    Seems like a bug? Is there a workaround at the moment? Thank you


    Luke Nielsen


    In this case, is there any chance that you could give me access to the dashboard area so I can have a look at the settings on your website, please?

    Kind Regards



    Hello, account info for login to the website is included. thank you


    Luke Nielsen


    The thing is that you have the rule in the Advanced typography for the main menu as well – https://prnt.sc/33I1AC2YZ86c, those rules have a higher priority than on other places like this one – https://prnt.sc/oCgNNb9oBQ95, thus you need to increase the weight for the rule to see changes – https://prnt.sc/qga5XGHqwuLT

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you Luke


    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! If you do not mind, can you please leave a 5 stars rating for our theme by going here: http://themeforest.net/downloads It will allow us to release more updates and provide dedicated support in the future. It would encourage our work a lot.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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