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Unable to save Links to social profiles

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  • #112865


    Hi I am trying to save my own social profile links in Theme Settings > Social Profiles > Links to social profiles
    I deleted the # and add my own profile links. But every time I hit save all the urls will switch back to the default #.

    Why is this happening? How to solve this?



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme, and switch to the parent them if you are running the child one and provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Please check below



    The issue is connected to the PHP max input vars limit parameter in your web server configuration. https://gyazo.com/21c7e4618af0f1e26b6c2be052e58d77
    You can check the current value for this parameter in your Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> System status. Usually, this parameter is not allowed to be changed on shared hostings so you will need to contact your server providers and ask to increase this limit. The recommended value for this is 5000

    Best Regards



    Changing the max_input_vars to 5000 did the trick.

    I have another question.
    In a variable product with an attribute “size” I want the sizes instead of drop down to shop up as pills (buttons). How can I do this?



    Please navigate to Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> Size -> Configure iterms, enable swatch as shown http://prntscr.com/jskm29

    Best Regards

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