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UPDATE 6.0.1 – 6.0.2 – 6.0….

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  • #281489


    Good day!

    Please tell me, in version 5.3.6 in the product cards there is a field for the hashtag from Instagram.
    Recently it stopped working and displaying information. Is this due to a change in the data transfer policy?

    I connected my Instagram business account through the API, but the hashtags are still not displayed.

    Updated version 6.0.2 – 6.0 ….

    After studying the transition manual, I realized why, after the update, my large online store broke down and caused losses. Snippets of CSS code are missing. Had to go back to 5.3.6. and wait until you finish all the nuances (it’s a pity).

    On the test site with your theme, I updated it in accordance with the manual – but there are a lot of errors there, which makes it impossible to enjoy the new version.

    What was done:
    1. Disabled all plugins.
    2. Removed all third-party code (sorting of missing products, a slight decrease in Category titles)
    I wrote to you the other day about this and we tried unsuccessfully to solve the problems, after which I rolled back to the old version.
    3. I updated the theme.
    4. Updated woodmart core.
    5. Included all plugins (I have only 8 of them, all yours + 1 for printing invoices, but it is more for woocommerce and, after checking the code, does not cause any complaints with compatibility with your theme).

    As a result – 6.0.2. – a raw version with a bunch of errors and flaws, which is very sad …
    I look forward to updates and bug fixes.
    I really do not want to switch from your topic to any other, given that I am promoting the 9th store on it … (some sites in my account, some from customer accounts).

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Yes, Instagram has blocked now our AJAX method and the only legal way to load images is to use the API method. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t work with hashtag images. That is why this option is not available for now.

    As for the problems with the update, please, list them all here with some screenshots and we will review them one by one and help you asap.

    Kind Regards



    Good day.

    V 6.0.2.
    If you switch to the mobile version, after clicking on the menu (upper left corner), the pop-up menu cannot be closed later.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    We have just tested this on your website but don’t see any problems with the menu https://gyazo.com/bc232a1ac335038790434a7942cfe769

    Kind Regards



    Good day.

    V 6.0.2.
    If you switch to the mobile version, after clicking on the menu (upper left corner), the pop-up menu cannot be closed later.

    I have a lot of sites on the woodmart theme, you are looking at the site of version 5.3.6

    I am giving an example of a test site V 6.0.2.


    Artem Temos


    Check if you have a correct URL set in Dashboard -> Settings -> General. It should start with HTTPS if you are using an SSL certificate on your website. Then go to Theme Settings and resave them. If it doesn’t help, please, provide us your admin access so we can check.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Good day!

    I did everything the way you wrote it.
    The problem is not solved.

    Login and password in a private field.


    Artem Temos

    Could you please switch to the parent theme temporarily?



    Did I understand correctly, is the child theme buggy?
    Everything is in order in the parent theme.
    How can this be fixed?


    Artem Temos

    You need to revise all the custom codes you have added to the child theme. Probably, some part causes this problem.

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