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Update/re-index woodmart shop filters

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  • #531873


    Hello, we found out that our filters at the shop page are not showing all products assigned to brands, colors etc. If you select brand “A” it shows less results than it should. Is there a way we can re-index them? We are using woodmart’s widget with elementor.

    Thank you.


    Hung Pham

    Hi nowhere.gr,

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    Take store page for example. It has products with different prices – so we can filter them and, accordingly, price filters are present. This page also contains products with the attributes “Apple” and “SamSung” – accordingly, we can filter these products separately for each of them.

    On the contrary, let’s take the page of the “Samsung” category as an example. This category has only one product with one price. Accordingly, there is no reason to filter the price and price filters are not displayed. Also, there are no products with the “Apple” attribute in the “SamSung” category – accordingly, the widget shows only one possible choice – “SamSung”.

    This is how filters work in WooCommerce and our theme does not affect the principle of their operation, it only adds new widgets with its own design or new widget areas where widgets can be placed, but the principle of making the filters themselves remains the same. For example, in the default theme, the price sorting widget placed in the sidebar will also disappear if only one product with one price remains on the page.




    I think I didn’t make clear our problem here. Please check this link for example https://cs2.nowhere.gr/potiria/tiki/. It’s a category that has product only from 1 brand “Costos”. On the filters it shows only 1 term Costos (which is correct) but with also 1 only result which is wrong because all products in these category have the same brand “Costos” assigned to them (you can even see it on the product loop below title).

    The same problem happens in all categories even in shop page, we have assigned attributes to products and on when using these woocommerce attributes as filters it doesn’t show all the needed results for this category.


    Hung Pham

    Hi nowhere.gr,

    Thanks for sharing more details.

    I kindly request you to conduct a check by activating the default WordPress Theme, such as Storefront or Twenty Twenty-Three (Appearance > Themes) and keep WoodMart Core and WooCommerce plugins activated. This is to ascertain whether the issue you are experiencing is due to our theme or not.

    If the problem persists even with the default WordPress theme, it would suggest that WoodMart theme is not the cause of the issues.

    In case it works with default theme, please provide me with temporary wp-admin access, I will debug that issue.


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