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Update Woodmart

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  • #128470


    Hello Team,
    I am trying to update woodmart but what i get an error. How can i fix that ?
    Thank you

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    Try to do the following to update the theme:

    1. Go to Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Theme License and deactivate the theme.

    2. Go to Dashboard -> Updates and click on Check Again.

    3. Activate the theme with your purchase code again.

    4. Try to update the theme via Appearance -> Themes or via Dashboard -> Updates.

    If it does not help, make the full backup of your site and update via FTP https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/update-theme-2/

    If you need help, provide FTP access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,
    Thank you for your kind support. Update theme done successfully. On a side note, we can show brand and category next to title in shop section, is there any possibility to show other elements next to title like Material or sizes. If yes, please explain how to do it as i need to add material to be shown next to title.
    One last question i do not understand in theme settings this part (Grid swatch attribute to display/Choose attribute that will be shown on products grid) can affect what we can see next to title, i tried to choose in this section pa_material but it did not reflect on what we can see next to title.Thank you for your continuous support.

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    Please show me the screen where you want to show the attributes.

    Your screen shows the option to show one attribute on the product grid, and there is an option to show only one attribute.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise

    In the screen shot, the shop page, there is products, as an example the first product,
    1-Title :business card holder
    2- Price : 80
    What i need to do is to add between title and price, a line where we can add Leather( Material) that will be seen in all the products when we click on shop page
    So It will be:
    1-Title business card holder ( first line )
    2- Leather

    Thank you

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    You need to set “Tiled” http://prntscr.com/o1x96y in the Theme Settings > Shop > Products style

    You need to have the variable product and enable swatch as shown http://prntscr.com/jskm29

    Navigate to Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> Color -> Configure items,
    Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Attribute swatches > choose pa_color (your color attribute)

    Best Regards

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